TREM (Taller de Reciclaje Experimental de Malinalco / Malinalco Experimental Recycling Workshop) is a project resulting from the collaboration between MaliArts and Rodrigo da Silva that questions the way in which we relate to plastic waste. It was born as a space for learning, collaboration and experimentation in Malinalco, State of Mexico, where we use easily replicable techniques and low-tech tools to transform "garbage" into valuable objects. We have shared the knowledge and recycling processes that we have learned and developed in recent years inside and outside the community.

TREM has been possible thanks to the support of our collaborators:
FCM (Fundación Comunitaria Malinalco) / FASOL (Fondo de Acción Solidaria) /
El Tecorral / Tuux / Taller de Diseño Ecológico / Sergio López

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